We ventured onto Maui 18 years ago on a vacation and went home, sold everything and moved over. We love it here in Paradise, and have never really considered living anywhere else. Web design has long been in our family, so we sort of picked it up naturally.
Palm 3 Ltd came to be after years of managing websites for clients, having the family graphic and web designers influence and that common feeling we all get of having a back-up plan. Our name was derived from the owner and her daughters who were born and raised here.
We believe that every business needs a web presence, regardless of the nature of that business. The Internet is used everyday to find the products and services we seek, as well as answers to any variety of questions. So it just makes sense to look at a website as a 24/7 office that has minimal overhead, and a lot more space to present products and services, or provide answers, compared to their brick and mortar cousins. The best part is, this “office” is always clean and ready for business, not to mention these “offices” have global reach.
Call today and let Palm 3 Ltd help you get your 24/7 office up an running today!